By Brandi Braun
City of Gahanna Assistant City Administrator
Early in 2012, City leaders including City Council members, Mayor Stinchcomb and City Department directors met to discuss the strategic vision, mission and needs of the City. The outcome of the session and follow up discussions resulted in the affirmation of the City’s Vision and Mission; establishment of Critical Success Factors and the identification of major projects to be accomplished. The joint planning session lays the strategic groundwork for the City’s planning processes for the next several years.
…to be an innovative model community that values its rich heritage, pursues high standards, and promotes respect among its citizens.
…to ensure an exceptional quality of life by providing comprehensive services, financial stability, and well-planned development which preserves the natural environment, in order that city government will continue to be responsive, accessible, and accountable to our diverse and growing community of citizens.
Critical Success Factors are things that the City must accomplish in order to achieve its defined Mission and Vision.
Citizen Centricity
Gahanna is committed to keeping the health, safety and welfare of our citizenry as the focal point of all policy decisions. Gahanna will always strive to be responsive, transparent and accountable to the community.
Smart Growth
Gahanna is committed to effectively managing its growth and assets.
Economic Success
Gahanna is committed to ensuring financial sustainability through smart revenue generation, business growth and prudent short and long term financial management.
Effective Communication
Gahanna is committed to communicating critical information to our citizens, stakeholders and employees while also listening to their wants, needs and feedback.
Gahanna is committed to continually reinventing the way we do business to be relevant, effective and efficient.
The Vision, Mission and Critical Success Factors will influence the City planning and budgeting that is currently underway. The Administration is working on creating their five year budget and capital improvement plan.
The first step in creating Gahanna’s five-year capital improvement plan is the creation of a five-year needs assessment which was presented to City Council on September 10.
The Five-Year Capital Needs Assessment is based on best practices, previous plans and surveys as well as the experience and research of the departmental professionals. The assessment represents the capital items and improvements needed over the next five years in order to execute the City’s Critical Success Factors, which were identified as the “items that must happen in order to fulfill the City’s Mission and Vision.
These needs will have to be verified by engaging the Council and public through surveys, meetings, public input and public engagement.