Much has been written about "The Greatest Generation" - the
folks who fought the Second World War, and came back to build a nation. I was
truly blessed to have been raised by parents who survived the Great Depression.
Dad lived on a farm, at least - mom and her five siblings went hungry
sometimes. Dad graduated from high school, and went right into the Navy. He
served till the end of WWII, then was called back to serve in the Korean War.
My mom was a "Rosie the Riveter." She worked in the tank plant in Cleveland,
because all the men were overseas fighting. Her only brother, Joe, was killed
in France during the war.
After the war, these citizens were forever changed. They had
seen famine, and hardship, and death. So they came home to their towns and
villages, including Gahanna, to finally start their families. They found work,
the economy boomed, and they built homes, businesses and communities.
And they volunteered. In Gahanna, the Veterans of Foreign
Wars, (VFW), built their post home themselves along the Big Walnut Creek. The
Gahanna Jefferson Recreation District formed, and built a community swimming
pool, next to the VFW. Over the years, many wonderful community civic,
fraternal, social and service organizations were founded here and flourished.
The Rotary, the Lions Club, the Kiwanis, and The American Legion, to name just
a few more. These groups served their community by volunteering, working hard, and
raising and donating funds, to make sure Gahanna had all the extras that made
this community home. They didn't
count on government to provide everything; they did it themselves. This
generation was self-sufficient and self-reliant, and was not afraid of hard
When I first moved to Gahanna in the mid-1980's, the Lion's
Club was still holding their chicken dinner fundraiser at the high school,
which funded Gahanna's fireworks show and July 4th parade. Independence Day
events were held and funded by our Lions, with just safety and logistics support
from the City and the Township fire department. Some folks may remember that the
fireworks were launched near the high school stadium, until that was deemed unsafe
for viewers in the stands. The Gahanna Jefferson Recreation District non-profit
organization was running the Gahanna Swim Club, and was planning to build a
new, second pool. The Hunter's Ridge Recreation Association owned neighborhood parkland,
and was running a swimming pool on Gahanna's East Side. And the folks in the Foxwood
development also built and funded a neighborhood pool (and still do). Unfortunately,
some of these groups can no longer do these things, and some no longer exist. It is my great hope to see new groups of young people spring up and help take over events and facilities for the folks who have worked so hard for Gahanna for so long.

The same commitment to community service is true for so many
other volunteer organizations in Gahanna. Recently, the folks from our Kiwanis
Club were volunteering at the Parks & Recreation Foundation event on a
Saturday evening, and the same folks were back at it volunteering at a food
booth at the Gahanna Historical Society’s Flea market the very next morning!
Gahanna was truly built on volunteer citizen efforts over
the years. Today, volunteer efforts are still critical. The Convention and
Visitor’s Bureau (CVB) would never be able to pull off the Blues and Jazz Festival
without hundreds of people volunteering to help out. The CVB also funds and
produces the Holiday Lights Parade and Winter Wonderland at Creekside every
winter. So many community events just couldn’t happen without our wonderful citizen
But, fewer people are volunteering these days. Increasingly it's getting harder to recruit enough folks to help out. There are a lot of
reasons for this –“people just are so busy these days”, we hear. Then I think
about my parents, and their generation. They were busy too – yet they made time
to build Gahanna and communities all around this nation.
It seems like it is
the same, wonderful people who help out at every event. I am so grateful for
these folks – they know who they are! But we need new faces and more folks to
help out. Government cannot afford, and shouldn’t, provide all the amenities
and extra things that make a community strong. Our parents and grandparents
knew that.
If you are not currently involved in
community volunteerism, we would love to have you. Even if you have just a few
hours a year to give, that’s great. If everyone helps a little, we can continue to build a stronger Gahanna for many generations to come. Can we count on you to join us?
Mayor Becky Stinchcomb
City of Gahanna
Mayor Becky Stinchcomb
City of Gahanna
Note: Creepside, the Gahanna Parks and Recreation’s
Halloween event at Creekside Park, is October 22nd. Volunteers are
still needed. Click here, if you are interested is signing up to volunteer.