The section of Stygler Rd. between Chapelfield Rd. and the southern intersection of Ridenour Rd. is now designated as an on-street bike route as shown on the City’s Bikeway Plan. The combination bike/arrow markings are a new pavement marking known as a “Sharrow”, pronounced “sh – arrow”.
Sharrows indicate a shared lane in which both bikes and cars are to use. Bikes are permitted in all lanes on public roadways, but Gahanna is using the markings to increase awareness of the presence of bikes in a particular lane on a roadway that has been designated a bike route.
Last year when Stygler Rd. was repaved, the City reduced the center two-way left turn lane to 9 feet which widened the northbound and southbound lanes to better accommodate bikes.
I would like to see the Stygler sharrows extended south to 62. Bike routes that are entirely contained within the city are of little use. We need routes that reach further and connect with neighboring communities and attractions (Easton, Airport, Downtown, New Albany, Westerville, etc.). I think only adding sharrows to a small section of Stygler gives the impression that bikes only belong on that section. That said, I am glad to see them and appreciate that bikes are being taken into consideration in new transportation projects within the city.
Thanks for your feedback. I have made sure to pass it along to our Service Department that heads these projects.
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I have been riding Stygler since the sharrows were installed and I do feel that motorists are giving cyclists more space when passing. Thank you, Gahanna motorists, for sharing the road with cyclists, not only on Stygler but throughout the city.
Recently my wife and I had occasion to pass through downtown Gahanna coming from the south end of the Alum Creek Greenway back home to Reynoldsburg. Your steps in making drivers aware of bicyclists was apparent in riding even through even heavily trafficed roads. Thanks.
Thanks for the feedback, Bill.
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