Wednesday, December 21, 2011

City Employees Donate Their Own Time and Money To Help Others

Presents for local families are wrapped and prepared
 for delivery to Gahanna Residents in Need (GRIN). 
(Photo by Brian Hoyt, City of Gahanna)
Employees of the City of Gahanna annually participate in the Gahanna Residents In Need (GRIN) Adopt-a-family program.  This program allows members of the community to donate time, gifts and money to help those who need a little help during the holidays. 

This year city employees adopted two families and each family had two children.  Not only was money raised for gifts, but the families were also provided with a gift card to the local Gahanna Kroger for groceries and other items they may need.

Nancy Savage, who works in the Mayor’s Office, led the charge to collect donations and purchase items. “It was really nice seeing everyone pitch in and help,” Savage said.  “I live and work in Gahanna, so I was proud to be able to help those in my own community.”

Since 1998, GRIN has supported families in the Gahanna area by meeting a wide variety of needs. To learn more about GRIN or to get involved, visit them online at

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