Monday, July 16, 2012

Guest Blogger: Happy Trails

By Angela Payne

My goal for the year: to become a runner. Yep, an aspiring runner.  Jackie Joyner-Kersee I’ll never be, but I’ll settle for being able to complete a 5K with enough energy leftover to do a toe-touching jump for joy at the end.  
One of Gahanna’s greatest draws is its natural beauty. After a hectic workday, I took to the trails of Academy Park to contrast the day’s commotion. My first step hit the pavement and I was off for two miles of freedom.  The winding, tree-lined path took me up inclines, down tiny hills and pass nature in its purest form of beauty.  Again I was reminded of why I press forward in my journey to become a runner.
Trails have personalities, you know?  Contemporary and lively like Creekside Park.  Quiet and composed like Academy Park. Playful and charming like Woodside Green Park.  Gahanna has quite a few, and I intend to traipse along as many as I can. 
Be it a subtle stroll or a swift sprint, I invite you to do the same. 
Till next time…
About Angela: A self-proclaimed summer fanatic, Angela Payne is a communications professional in the Columbus area and a Gahanna resident. Angela will be blogging this summer about all things Gahanna – restaurants, parks, festivals and more.
Editor’s Note: Angela Payne is a Gahanna resident who offered to submit pieces for the City blog and we are excited that she did.  From time to time Angela will offer her insights and experiences as a Gahanna resident, wife and mom.  If you would like to submit a photo, story or idea for the City blog, please email us at

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