Friday, January 7, 2011

Columbus Dispatch Editorial: Filling in... As cities face trim event expenditures, volunteers will be vital

Editorial: Filling in
As cities face trim event expenditures, volunteers will be vital
The Columbus Dispatch
January 7, 2011  

The hard fact that most cities will have less, if anything, to spend on fun and frivolity in the coming year could have an upside.

In communities that manage to muster volunteers and private contributors to keep civic traditions alive, those parades, festivals and other fun events will be even more meaningful.

Many communities already have cut back on such nonessential spending in the past two years. For 2011, with the strong likelihood that state funding to local governments will be slashed, more have cut city-sponsored celebrations from their budgets.
To keep them going, event organizers are seeking new sponsors and putting out the call for volunteers to take tickets, sell concessions, man the arts-and-crafts table and all the other tasks that make for a fun community event.
Click to read the rest

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