Monday, June 18, 2012

Guest Blogger: Summer, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways

By Angela Payne
The summer months are by far my favorite time of year (next to Christmas, of course). Basking in the warmth of the sun, spending long evenings on the patio, and enjoying the sweet aroma of backyard barbeque – summer days are here!
Fellow summer enthusiasts will probably agree that this time of year is reminiscent of your youth -- vibrant, carefree… curious, even.  Remember what that last day of school felt like? Watching the hands on the classroom clock tick by, eager for the final minutes of the school year to pass.  With the lyrics of Alice Cooper’s 1972 School’s Out playing through my head, summer officially began and the next three months were pure adventure.
I’ve now realized that life happens more and summer happens less. Without warning, the priority of leisure diminishes.  Not only am I determined to take back my summer, my “playground” will be right here in Gahanna!  I’ll be blogging about Gahanna’s tasty eats and treats, lively nights on the town, simple family fun and more.
With any luck, I’ll ignite the interest of visitors to come check-out Gahanna and reintroduce long-time residents to the forgotten gems of this great city.
DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince said it best in their 1991 hit, Summertime: “It’s summer, summer, summer time / Time to sit back and unwind.”
Till next time…
About Angela: A self-proclaimed summer fanatic, Angela Payne is a communications professional in the Columbus area and a Gahanna resident. Angela will be blogging this summer about all things Gahanna – restaurants, parks, festivals and more.
Editor’s Note: Angela Payne is a Gahanna resident who offered to submit pieces for the City blog and we are excited that she did.  From time to tome Angela will offer her insights and experiences as a Gahanna resident, wife and mom.  If you would like to submit a photo, story or idea for the City blog, please email us at

1 comment:

Raven said...

An Alice Cooper song and a DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Price song mentioned in one post, that is awesome!